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Keiruv Media and Arts Center

Welcome to FHU Keiruv Media and Arts Center dedicated to nurturing and advancing Torah-based culture through innovative media communications, serving Torah-observant students and the broader community.

Art Class
Florida Hebrew University Tzniut Program


Our center offers curated projects for students and the community to participate in, fostering engagement and creativity.


Explore our initiatives below and join us in celebrating Torah-based Jewish culture together.


  1. Tzniut Fashion Projects: Curating collections, organizing live and virtual runway shows and installations, and fostering collaborations with emerging designers to highlight the fusion of tzniut values with contemporary fashion.

  2. Audio and Video Production: Producing engaging content spanning podcasts, interviews, music albums, and videos that celebrate Torah-based culture, history, and contemporary life. Creating compelling storytelling experiences through audiovisual mediums to resonate with audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

  3. Art Exhibits: Curating visually stunning live and virtual exhibitions that showcase artistic expression, featuring paintings, mitzvah sculptures, photography, and mixed-media installations that reflect the depth and diversity of Torah heritage.

  4. Workshops and Classes: Offering interactive learning experiences that empower individuals to explore Torah life, develop creative skills, and strengthen their commitment to Torah-observant culture through curated workshops, classes, and seminars covering topics such as history, language, cuisine, and art.

  5. Live Music Performances: Engaging students with musical performances tha ignite neshamot with the spirit of the Jewish scale.

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